Embracing Senior Discounts-well almost

Embracing Senior Discounts-well almost

Do you remember the first time you were offered a senior discount? I do! And I was totally taken by surprise. First of all I was not a senior, another thing I looked young for my age at that time and my goodness my savings was like .70 cents. Note to sales staff when...
What is Your Word for the Year?

What is Your Word for the Year?

Selecting a word for the year is a simple practice that involves selecting a single word that we can refer to throughout the year and reflect back on to motivate and inspire. A desired intent, goal, or mindset for the upcoming year. My words have varied from focus to...
Small Towns to Retire in the US

Small Towns to Retire in the US

Many of us after the age of 50 and the kids are on their own are looking for a new place to live. A place to retire to. For some it my be downsizing, reducing our cost of living, a more active community or  for a change of lifestyle. In this post I have compiled a...
Women Empowering Women

Women Empowering Women

When women support women This past week I attended a panel discussion in my local county for women that run for office. Now I have no desire to run for a political office position. But I do love to learn, I do love political discussions and I do love to support women...