I love to read and I want to share some of my favorite books with you! 

I start each day with at least 10 minutes of a good read. Sometimes it’s for motivation, a good kick you in the b*tt get out of bed kind of read. Other days it’s a business book to gain knowledge and learn from other’s. And sometimes it’s just a day for a feel good book, a book that reminds you to be vulnerable, have courage and show up and be seen, something written by Brene Brown.

Why starting your day with a good book is so important for success.

According to Jeff Olson, of The Slight Edge, starting every day with even just 10 pages leads to growth-steady doses of the right information leads to huge successes. The truth is we all have time for 10 pages and one book will not have all of the answers but continual reading and continual exposure will lead to results!

Listed below are a collection of my motivational, inspiring, educational and financial support favorites!


A Happy Pocket Full of Money

This book was recommended to me when I was going through a huge transition. The description on Amazon reads a little wooey but honestly its a fabulous read; practice gratitude, giving, and faith, and experience abundance and joy in your life.

Brene Brown Gift Book Set

Daring Greatly

Rising Strong

The Gifts of Imperfection

Why just buy one when you know you will end up buying all 3! I love everything Brene Brown, direct, honest and real!

Jen Sincero 4 Book Collection

You Are a Badass

You Are a Badass at Making Money

You Are a Badass Everyday

Badass Habits

Like Brene Brown once you read one book by Jen Sincero you will want to purchase all 4. The title says it all and needs no additional description.

The Slight Edge

If you do not buy any other book from me you must buy this one! This book teaches you that simple disciplines done daily will lead to huge successes. Whether you are trying to lose weight, you are starting a business, exercise more, drink less this book is exactly what you need!

Relationship Advice


Are you anxious, avoidant or secure? Whether you are looking for love or having trouble in your current relationship, this book will help you understand your love style and your partners. Seriously a must read for a healthy relationship.

The 5 Languages of Love

I wish I knew about this book years ago! How to identify your partner’s love language (and your’s) and to use that to support them and love them in a way that makes them feel special.




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