I had so much fun writing this post! I am a work in progress and some of the items listed are TBD-to be done.. As a former people pleaser I have a difficult time saying no and I can spend days languishing over whether I hurt someones feelings. But saying no still made it to the list as did a few others that I am currently mastering.

Ten things women over 50 should know:

Dress for you and do not care whether it is age appropriate.

Do not sweat the small stuff.

Health matters.

Five impressive recipes.

If you don’t move it you will lose it.

Knowing when to say no.

Let go of friendships that no longer serve you.

There is no time to wait for someday.

Self care is more important than self improvement.

It’s never too late.

I hope you enjoyed this list! And please email me with lessons learned in your 50’s and beyond.


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