Online dating is not for the weak but for women over 50 this may be the only option.

Are you like many 50+, 60+ year old women where you have tried online dating over the years only to give up again because not only have you not found Mr. Right you haven’t even found Mr. let’s at least be friends and have fun together.

Believe me I get it! I get disappointed too. And I have been fortunate enough to have met several men over the past five years that I have enjoyed time with; and even two men I spent over a year each with. Mr. Right no, but we had a lot of fun, we had great conversations, traveled, tried new things, went to concerts, hiked at places I had never hiked before, new restaurants new wines etc.

Did I feel like I wasted a year of my life, not really.  But I did learn that five years of being single have gone by so fast and I do not want to keep doing this. I want to take my time and find that best friend that needle in a haystack that long lasting relationship. Would I prefer to meet him in a grocery store or through a friend-absolutely. But until that happens online dating it is.

How I stay positive with online dating

  1. Before hitting burnout put the app on hold.
  2. I no longer look at any connection as a possible match. I literally look at it as part of the process, if they don’t follow up you have nothing invested.
  3. I share my stories with another single girlfriend. By laughing about it, it makes everything better.
  4. Read about success stories of women in your age group, it’s a reminder that love can be found at any age.
  5. Have fun with it! Laugh at the process, open your mind to the possibilities, hope for less and be surprised when you receive more.

Must reads!

Whether you are new to dating, in a relationship but things just don’t feel right or you are making the same mistakes in finding love. The books listed below will help you understand your love sign and what to look for in a partner.


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