Get out of town to work?

Yes! I recently went to Lake Tahoe, CA for a “workation”, meaning I left  my home and went to a resort location three hours from my town  to work. The reason? I felt like I needed new surroundings, after two years of spending way too much time at home I wanted to change things up, to have a new environment to get my creative flow going.

AND my goal in 2022 is to travel more to pack up my car and my dog and go!

And guess what?! It worked. Getting away from my home office was the best thing I could have done. By changing my surroundings, my hikes, my routine, my laundry & kitchen habits, my comfort zone. I was able to get so much work done. I even completed my taxes!

How to be successful on your workation.

Before leaving your home view your office materials and pack everything up together, making it easier to work from your new location.

Keep the location affordable to you, you do not want to resent paying for a resort while not utilizing their amenities.

Make your trip a minimum of 4 days, it takes a lot of work to pack up your office make sure its worth it.

Set a workday schedule, this is a workation after all.

Be sure to check with your account to see if part of your trip could be a tax right off.



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